Corporate Social Responsibility CSR

Sustainable Environment

1.Comply with regulations and other requirements for environmental protection and occupational safety and health.

2.Adhere to environmental protection and occupational safety and health hazard prevention and continuous improvement to provide a safe and healthy work environment.

3.Strengthen employee consultation and communication channels and pay close attention to environmental protection and occupational safety and health issues.

4.Conserve energy and resources and ensure their reasonable use.

5.Continue to promote energy and resource conservation, implement management and reduction, and voluntarily implement greenhouse gas inventories.

ISO International Standard Certifications

ISO14001 Environmental Management System Quality Certifications

ISO 14001 certificate

ISO14064-1Certificate of Greenhouse Gases Emissions Verification

2023 Kuanyin plant
2023 Jiangyin plant
2022 Kuanyin plant
2022 Jiangyin plant

ISO45001 (BS OHSAS 18001) Occupational Health and Safety Quality Certifications

ISO 45001 certificate
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