Employee Ethics and Human Rights Policy
HannStar Board Corporation is committed to its role as an ethical company that fulfill its corporate social responsibilities, takes care of employees, and implements sustainable development. The Company has adopted the “Code of Conduct of the Responsible Business Alliance” as the basis for promoting corporate social responsibility. We also uphold the human rights protection requirements and basic principles enshrined in the United Nations Global Compact, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization by fulfilling our responsibilities for respect and protection of human rights and treating employees with dignity and respect. We ensure safety in the work environment, protect and respect employees’ rights and benefits, implement pollution prevention in the production process and products, and fulfill corporate social responsibilities.
Compliance with Regulatory Requirements
Abide by the government’s labor, environmental protection, and safety and health regulations.
Protection of Employment Rights and Freedom of Association
The Company ensures that all work is voluntary and does not engage in coerced or forced employment. Employees have the freedom of association and we provide a diverse range of communication mechanisms and platforms to ensure harmonious and mutually beneficial labor-management relations.
Humane Treatment and Prohibition on Discrimination
The Company ensures that all work is voluntary and does not engage in coerced or forced employment. Employees have the freedom of association and we provide a diverse range of communication mechanisms and platforms to ensure harmonious and mutually beneficial labor-management relations.
Safe Work Environment
The Company provides a safe and healthy work environment and organizes regular safety and health training to prevent injuries and occupational safety incidents.
Fostering a Sustainable Environment
In response to rising environmental protection awareness, the Company will continue to improve the production process environment and equipment and reduce pollutant emissions and resource and energy consumption.
Upholding Ethical Management
The Company upholds the principle of integrity and prohibits any form of misconduct, illegitimate benefit, and violation of fair competition regulations.
Promoting Public Interests
We believe that the impact of corporate philanthropy is unlimited and we care about the community. We actively participate in activities for public interests and encourage employee participation.